Lithium concentration connected to depression

Share me on…Lithium concentration connected to depression Researchers believe that they have a breakthrough – finding that lithium concentrations in the brain are connected to depression Lithium is an antique way that mental disturbances would be treated. For decades, depression resulted in doctors assigning high concentrations of lithium salts as a ‘cure’. However, even now, …
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Cannabis helps anxiety and sleep

Share me on…Cannabis helps anxiety and sleep The outcomes of the first cohort of medical cannabis patients in the UK have demonstrated significant improvements in anxiety, pain, and sleep for medical cannabis patients. Analysis of patient-reported outcome measures of patients captured in the UK Medical Cannabis Registry, published in Neuropsychopharmacology Reports, found statistically significant improvements …
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Floatation, sensory deprivation and anxiety

Share me on…Floatation, sensory deprivation and anxiety What happens when your mind disconnects from all outside sensations? First, you undress, put in earplugs, and step into a floatation tank, the water warmed to the temperature of your skin and saturated with Epsom salt. You hardly feel the water and you float effortlessly given its high …
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Intuitive eating and mental health

Share me on…Intuitive eating and mental health Psychological scientists have excelled at documenting the more negative or painful parts of the human condition. In the domain of eating, that has meant focusing on eating disorders and related unhealthy behaviors like bingeing, restricting, or obsessive exercise. In recent years, a wave of research has moved away …
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Lockdown improved mental health

Share me on…Lockdown improved mental health LOCKDOWN has had a catastrophic impact on so many aspects of our lives, not least in terms of mental health. For some, depression has been triggered or exacerbated by worries – a study this year by Exeter University and King’s College London found loneliness emerging as a key factor …
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Counselling for long-term mental health

Share me on…Counselling for long-term mental health Experts say this research could help to reverse declining mental health in young people in a post-pandemic era We know this last year has been very difficult for children. They’ve missed out on playtime with their friends, have spent months unable to see relatives and, significantly, have lost …
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Bilingualism to fight dementia

Share me on…Bilingualism to fight dementia Neil Wright, on behalf of McGowan Transcriptions UK, discusses the benefits of bilingualism, specifically concerning how speaking more than one language can fight dementia Bilingualism — the ability to speak two or more languages fluently — has lots of reported advantages starting in childhood. But there is growing evidence …
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The Future of Psychiatric Treatment

Share me on…The Future of Psychiatric Treatment Antidepressants, in addition to treating symptoms of depression, are also effective anti-anxiety agents. Drugs to treat schizophrenia are also helpful in treating individuals with bipolar disorder. Why might this be so? First, some background: The current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) provides …
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Will new wellbeing charter have any impact?

Share me on…Will new wellbeing charter have any impact? Wellbeing is a big topic in education right now – understandably so, given the past year and the toll this has taken on staff in all roles in schools and colleges. This is perhaps why the Department for Education chose last week’s Mental Health Awareness Week …
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Is mental illness the new normal?

Share me on…Is mental illness the new normal? I used to teach a course in “abnormal psychology,” and students were often amazed by the high rates of mental illness. The best studies at that time (around 2015) were based on large, randomly selected cross-sections of the population. The study designs were retrospective —literally “looking backward”—as …
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What can I do to reduce my risk of dementia?

Share me on…What can I do to reduce my risk of dementia? dementia and researchers are still investigating how the condition develops What can I do to reduce my risk of dementia? Image credit: Kamila Maciejewska / UnsplashMay 16, 2021 By Josh Sandiford@joshsandiford_ Dementia Action Week starts on Monday May 17, a national event that …
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The Case for Chocolate in Mood and Anxiety

Share me on…The Case for Chocolate in Mood and Anxiety Chocolate is one of the world’s most iconic foods. With origins in Central and South America, cacao was first enjoyed as a fermented drink as early as 450 BC. In his book The History of Money (1997), anthropologist Jack Weatherford discusses the important role cacao …
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Is research into human-monkey embryos ethical?

Share me on…Is research into human-monkey embryos ethical? When King Minos of Crete was given a magnificent bull by the sea god Poseidon for a sacrifice, he could not bring himself to kill it. In anger, Poseidon enchanted Minos’s wife Pasiphaë to be filled with lust for the creature. The result of their trans-species mating …
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The Happy Chemicals: Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin and Endorphins

Share me on…The Happy Chemicals: Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin and Endorphins We might not have a money tree, but we can have a happiness tree. Dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin and endorphins are the quartet responsible for our happiness. Many events can trigger these neurotransmitters, but rather than being in the passenger seat, there are ways we can …
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Tech is supporting children’s wellbeing

Share me on…Tech is supporting children’s wellbeing If there’s one thing we’ve learnt in the pandemic, it’s that technology has the power to connect, support and improve people’s lives when they’re at their lowest ebb. Face-to-face mental health services came to a standstill last year, at a time when the world, particularly children and young …
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Does Depression Change Your Vision?

Share me on…Does Depression Change Your Vision? Depressed people view the world differently—literally. Specifically, some research has found visual processing in depressed individuals to be abnormal. It is not clear if these visual abnormalities are related to retinal processing (i.e. how the eyes take in visual information) or cortical processing (i.e. how the brain interprets …
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Why Women Experience Addiction Differently

Share me on…Why Women Experience Addiction Differently When it comes to addiction, gender matters. Women often get addicted for different reasons than men, they go into treatment for different reasons, and they get and stay sober for different reasons. The good news about all that is that the addiction treatment women receive is evolving to …
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