Exercise can improve memory and reduce risk of dementia

Share me on…Exercise can improve memory and reduce risk of dementia Accumulating evidence suggests that regular aerobic training at a moderate-to-vigorous intensity may offset or prevent age-related cognitive decline in older adults who are at increased risk for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). However, in terms of measuring the effects of aerobic exercise on brain health and …
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Understanding paths to dementia and Alzheimer’s

Share me on…Understanding paths to dementia and Alzheimer’s Dementia — the loss of the ability to think, remember, or reason— likely affects more than 5 million people in the United States and more than 47 million people worldwide. With the overall population ageing and 7.7 million new cases each year, the burden of illness caused …
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Bilingualism to fight dementia

Share me on…Bilingualism to fight dementia Neil Wright, on behalf of McGowan Transcriptions UK, discusses the benefits of bilingualism, specifically concerning how speaking more than one language can fight dementia Bilingualism — the ability to speak two or more languages fluently — has lots of reported advantages starting in childhood. But there is growing evidence …
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What can I do to reduce my risk of dementia?

Share me on…What can I do to reduce my risk of dementia? dementia and researchers are still investigating how the condition develops What can I do to reduce my risk of dementia? Image credit: Kamila Maciejewska / UnsplashMay 16, 2021 By Josh Sandiford@joshsandiford_ Dementia Action Week starts on Monday May 17, a national event that …
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