Anxiety; an introduction

Share me on…Anxiety is an unpleasant emotional state of tension, apprehension, and worry occurring in response to a perceived threat. In the case of fear, the threat is relatively specific and identifiable, for example, seeing a snake. However, in the case of anxiety tends to be vague and gripping, for example, while delivering a presentation …
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Reducing the risk of dementia

Share me on…Bryna Shatenstein and Pascal Barberger-Gateau from the universities of Montreal and Bordeaux respectively, published an article in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease in 2015 which discussed the prevention of age-related cognitive decline. The article considers various strategies for reducing the risk of dementia considering when and for whom they are most effective. An …
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Anti-inflammatory diet reduces dementia

Share me on…Anti-inflammatory diet reduces dementia The research conducted by specialists from the American Academy of Neurology has illuminated that an anti-inflammatory diet – which includes a more considerable number of fruits, vegetables, beans, and tea or coffee – possibly decreases the risk of developing neurodegenerative conditions such as dementia. Nikolaos Scarmeas, MD, PhD, of …
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