Exercise can improve memory and reduce risk of dementia

Share me on…Exercise can improve memory and reduce risk of dementia Accumulating evidence suggests that regular aerobic training at a moderate-to-vigorous intensity may offset or prevent age-related cognitive decline in older adults who are at increased risk for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). However, in terms of measuring the effects of aerobic exercise on brain health and …
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Gut bacteria, anxiety and depression

Share me on…Gut bacteria, anxiety and depression A recent review of research in Frontiers in Neuroscience examines the relationship between the bacteria living in your gut and psychological issues including mood and anxiety disorders. Here are 8 key takeaways on the link between the gut microbiota and brain axis and its role in brain disorders. …
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Understanding paths to dementia and Alzheimer’s

Share me on…Understanding paths to dementia and Alzheimer’s Dementia — the loss of the ability to think, remember, or reason— likely affects more than 5 million people in the United States and more than 47 million people worldwide. With the overall population ageing and 7.7 million new cases each year, the burden of illness caused …
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