Depression in Europe reaches 6.4%

Share me on…Depression in Europe reaches 6.4% Depression affects over 6% of the European population and prevalence is higher in women than men, new research has discovered. A study of 27 European countries has evaluated the prevalence of depression to be at 6.4% of the European population, which is higher than the 4.2% previously estimated …
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Relationship problems and mental health

Share me on…Relationship problems and mental health In the May 2021 issue of Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, lead author Dr. Mark Whisman and colleagues explore evidence for a causal link between romantic relationship distress and depression. The authors contend that “the existing body of research evidence supports the claim that relationship distress is a …
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Nitrous oxide as a treatment for depression

Share me on…Nitrous oxide as a treatment for depression Laughter might Nitrous oxide as a treatment for depression really be the best medicine — well, kind of. A new study published Wednesday in Science Translational Medicine shows that nitrous oxide (also known as laughing gas) can help reduce symptoms of depression in individuals who might …
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Exercise can improve memory and reduce risk of dementia

Share me on…Exercise can improve memory and reduce risk of dementia Accumulating evidence suggests that regular aerobic training at a moderate-to-vigorous intensity may offset or prevent age-related cognitive decline in older adults who are at increased risk for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). However, in terms of measuring the effects of aerobic exercise on brain health and …
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Gut bacteria, anxiety and depression

Share me on…Gut bacteria, anxiety and depression A recent review of research in Frontiers in Neuroscience examines the relationship between the bacteria living in your gut and psychological issues including mood and anxiety disorders. Here are 8 key takeaways on the link between the gut microbiota and brain axis and its role in brain disorders. …
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Understanding paths to dementia and Alzheimer’s

Share me on…Understanding paths to dementia and Alzheimer’s Dementia — the loss of the ability to think, remember, or reason— likely affects more than 5 million people in the United States and more than 47 million people worldwide. With the overall population ageing and 7.7 million new cases each year, the burden of illness caused …
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Why Is Homelessness So Stigmatized?

Share me on…Why Is Homelessness So Stigmatized? Though we may never know how many homeless people there are at any given time, estimates suggest there are far more of them than most people realize. According to the 2019 Annual Homelessness Assessment Report (AHAR) released to Congress last year by the Department of Housing and Urban …
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How Does CBD Reduce Anxiety?

Share me on…How Does CBD Reduce Anxiety? Harnessing the therapeutic benefits of cannabis is not a new concept, with historians estimating the flowering plant has been cultivated for medicinal purposes since 500 BC. While cannabis has endured a shady reputation, over the past decade a cannabinoid called CBD has won the attention of medical researchers …
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